Pregnancy sleep tips when you already have a little one.

Sleep is critically important for both you and your developing baby during pregnancy. Your body is growing a tiny human, all while dealing with fluctuating hormones and frequent night awakenings thanks to your increasingly compressed bladder. It’s exhausting just thinking about it…

Inadequate sleep during pregnancy has been linked to longer labor, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, higher cesarean rates, and preterm birth. So, getting enough shut-eye during pregnancy is crucial.

But what many don’t discuss is how to get the sleep you need when you already have a little one, full of energy, who is desiring your undivided attention.

We feel you mama, and we’ve put together some pregnancy sleep tips to help you get the rest you need.

Take a lesson from your little one 

We know the benefits of a consistent bedtime routine for our little ones, yet so many of us neglect our own sleep hygiene. So take a leaf out of your kiddo’s book and create a consistent evening routine that helps you to unwind and prepares you for sleep. Your bedtime routine doesn’t have to start after your little one goes down, either. Instead, it can be in tandem with your kiddo so you can get to bed earlier.

Try adding some of these relaxing activities to your evening schedule.

  • Take a warm shower or bath to ease tired muscles

  • Drink a cup of warm milk or caffeine-free tea

  • Spend some time reading a good book

  • Listen to some soothing music or a guided meditation

Nap when you can 

So what if the laundry isn’t folded, and the dishes are still in the sink? Your health and wellness take priority, and you should try to nap during the day when you get an opportunity.

If your little one is still napping during the day, ignore the dishes and nap with them. However, if your kiddo is a little older, it can be more challenging. The safety of your child is paramount, so if you find yourself struggling to keep your eyes open, make sure they are in a safe space and rest while they color or watch a show.

In addition, don’t be afraid to call on in-laws, parents, or friends to watch your little one while you sneak in some shut-eye.

Limit the screen time for you and your little one 

Screen time can have detrimental impacts on the quality of our sleep, such as:

  • Disrupting circadian rhythm – The blue light emitted from screens suppresses the production of melatonin, the body’s sleep-inducing hormone. Just minutes of screen time can delay melatonin release by several hours and disrupt our circadian rhythm.

  • Increasing stress hormones – Screen time can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is involved in the body’s fight or flight response. Increases in cortisol can activate the nervous system making it difficult to relax and unwind.

  • Overstimulation – Screen time can overload the sensory system and overstimulate the brain, making it hard to switch off at bedtime.

With this in mind, it may be helpful to eliminate screen time within an hour of bed. Instead, consider working in a good book as part of your bedtime routine.

Set bedtime boundaries with your toddler

It can be hard to get the sleep you need if your little one is engaging in bedtime battles. Toddlerhood is a time of increasing independence and testing boundaries, so be sure to set clear boundaries and expectations around sleep.

Here are four tips for establishing boundaries with your toddler at bedtime.

  1. Give choices – Allowing your kiddo to choose which pajamas to wear or books to read can fulfill their growing need for autonomy and decrease bedtime battles.

  2. Communicate – Make sure your toddler understands the bedtime boundaries and expectations before the night routine begins. In addition, give your little one warnings as bedtime approaches to help them with the transition.

  3. Bedtime charts – Using a visual chart featuring the bedtime routine steps can instill consistency and give your kiddo a sense of control.

  4. Natural consequences – If your little one breaks bedtime boundaries, ensure consequences are in place. But remember that discipline is not about punishment; consequences should be natural and related to the situation.

Make sure you are well-supported in bed 

It can be a mission to find a comfortable sleeping position when pregnant. As your baby grows, the pressure on your joints (and bladder) increases, and you may find yourself tossing and turning to find relief. Investing in supportive pillows that can be strategically placed to ease discomfort can be highly beneficial. A pillow placed under the bump or between the legs is a popular choice.

Play around with what works for you to increase your chances of getting some quality sleep.

Getting the sleep you need 

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also bring many challenges, particularly if you already have a little one in your care. Sometimes regardless of how many pregnancy sleep tips you follow, a decent night of slumber remains elusive. If you are struggling to get the sleep you need while balancing the demands of your kiddo, reach out for help.

At My Sweet Sleeper, our focus is not solely on your little one’s sleep. The quality of your sleep is equally important, and we will work with you and your family to ensure that everyone is getting the rest they need.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you and your little ones.

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How to handle toddler wakings in the middle of the night. 


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