How fresh air and sleep go hand in hand.

Have you experienced the phenomenon of tossing and turning at night, sweltering beneath the heat of your blankets? It likely comes as no surprise that heat disrupts a healthy sleep cycle. What you may not realize is that fresh air is essential for sleep health. 

Here is what you need to know to help your little ones get the best sleep possible. 

Why Temperature Matters

According to recent research, sleeping in temperatures that are too high can lead to light and restless sleep, difficulty falling asleep, sweating, and frequent wakeups during the night. This includes our little ones. What is the ideal temperature for sleep? 65 degrees Fahrenheit–though anything in the range of 60 to 67 degrees helps to promote great sleep. 

Increasing Airflow

The thermostat isn’t the only thing you may want to change to help your little one get a more restful night of sleep. Airflow and circulation are equally important, and it can be as simple as cracking a window to let in some of the cool night air. 

By letting in the fresh air you’re also allowing trapped heat to escape. With cool air circulating your little one will be able to sleep better. 


Opening a window is an easy way to increase airflow but may not be the best option. There may be safety concerns, street noise, or if your little one is suffering from allergies opening a window may make them worse. If this is the case, try these other methods: 

  • Air conditioning: Turning the AC on is the easiest and most effective way to keep your little one cool at night. Trying to save on costs? Simply lower the thermostat during sleep times. 

  • Fans: A cost effective way to keep your little one cool. It may also double as white noise

  • Humidifiers: Not only is this a great way to add fresh air into the bedroom, but it also exalts moisture. This can be great when kids are dealing with congestion.

Cooling Down Before Bed

Turning down the AC, opening windows, and turning on the fan are all great ways to lower the temperature but it’s also important to cool yourself down before bed. Here are ways to bring down our little one’s internal temperature to prepare for sleep. 

Keep Them Hydrated

If your child sleeps in a warm bedroom, make sure they stay hydrated. Sweating during sleep without replacing those fluids can lead to dehydration. It’s especially important to stick with water as opposed to milk or juice. 

Drinking a little bit of water before bed can encourage their bodies to cool down which allows them to fall asleep more easily. With that said, they should be drinking water all day long. Researchers suspect that a lack of hydration is linked to shorter sleep durations

Take a Warm Bath

For adults, experts recommend taking a cool shower but that may not be comfortable or realistic depending on the age of your little one. Instead, prepare them a warm bath. This helps their body temperature drop when they get out of the water.

Want an even better option? Try the Cleanwater Tub by 4moms. Not only does it have a thermometer so you can monitor the temperature of the water, but It constantly circulates clean water into the baby’s bath 

Create the Right Sleep Environment

The right sleep environment is crucial to help them stay cool and sleep. Sheets and blankets made from cotton or linen are best–keep them as light as possible. 

Make sure that vents are open in the room to allow air conditioning in. A fan doesn’t have to be pointed directly at them, simply turning it on forces air to circulate. 

Choose the Best PJs

Chances are that your little one has some strong feelings about what type of pajamas they will wear. However, parents may want to do some searching for the best kind to keep their child cool in the summer heat. Breathable fabrics like cotton wick moisture away from the skin and keep kids cooler at night. 

Promote Healthy Sleep

There are lots of ways you can create an environment that helps your child sleep, but sometimes it just isn’t enough. When you need more, lean on My Sweet Sleeper to help you get the rest you and your little one need.

We offer one-on-one coaching with pediatric sleep consultants that can give you personalized attention. Group sessions allow you to connect with other parents in similar stages so that you can feel more supported. We can also help with virtual sleep classes and eBooks.

Reach out to us today if you and your child need help to get a better night’s rest!

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