Is your toddler ready for a big kid bed?

The crib to bed transition is one us mamas think about from time to time, but not a hurdle you prepare for until it’s truly here. So many questions come up with this big transition. Are your kiddos ready? Will they stay in bed? What if they wake up at night? The list goes on. 

Let’s help you make this next move!

Safety First. When embarking on this new venture of a big kid bed for your toddler, safety comes first. Make sure to place the bed in a safe area of the room. The toddler bed should be away from windows, heating units, wall lamps, drapery, and blind cords. They have full access to their room now. Making sure you know they can and will get to anything you may leave out or have on display. Less is more, Mama. If the bed is a new bed, choosing one that is as close to the ground as possible Is key. To help cushion a potential fall make sure to put a plush rug, pillows, or thick comforter on the side of the bed. If it is not a convertible crib, use a rail on both sides of the bed and keep the headboard flush against the wall. 

A few questions to ask yourself before the crib to bed transition:

  • Is your toddler climbing out of the crib?

  • Is your toddler approaching age 3?

  • Is your toddler asking for a new bed?

  • Is your toddler meeting their developmental milestones?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any or all of these questions, it may be time Mama! Let’s do this…

5 Tips to Transition Toddler from Crib to Bed

  • Universal cribs. There are a couple different scenarios for your toddler’s bed situation. If you have a convertible crib, use that! So many cribs now are made to be universal. Your toddler still has the exact same sleep surface, but the front part of the crib is now gone. If that is not the case for your toddler, getting a new bed that fits their crib mattress can help with the transition. 

  • Create ‘Sleep Rules’. Have them create a list of 3 ‘sleep rules’ and hang by their bedside. Keep them very simple and straightforward, write out the rules on a piece of paper (ex: stay in big kid bed! Stay in room! Do not wake sleeping people! Etc.). Have them decorate rules with stickers or drawing on it to make it their own. Trust me, they’ll be so proud. Go over ‘Sleep Rules’ throughout the day and right before bed once the transition is in place. To mentally prepare them best you can be going to help tremendously. Keep them in the loop with this new change, talking about it often, being upbeat and positive about the new change.

  • New digs. This is a huge new chapter for your toddler! Make it a fun one. Have them be a part of the transition. Have them help pick sheets or decorate around their new pad with a new stuffy or special picture of the family. Allowing them to be apart of this process and help “decorate” will set you up for more of a successful transition.

  • No clutter zone. Make sure to keep their room as clutter free as possible. Now that they can get out of bed as they please, the less temptation the better. Keeping their sleep environment free of toys and or distractions will keep them more interested in sleep, and their new bed.

  • Walk it out. It is the norm for toddlers to come into your room when they make the crib to bed transition. This is completely normal. If this is the case for your toddler. Remain calm and simply walk them back. Little interaction and repeat as many times as needed. Stay consistent and eventually it will stick. We promise.

Remember Mamas, this is a process. Some kiddos will handle this new chapter like a champ. Some will just take a second to warm up to it. Either way is totally normal and appropriate as a response to such a big change. They are their own unique little personalities and demeanor. Be patient and loving and give lots of grace. To them, and to yourself. You got this!

Resources you may be interested in:

newborn sleep course

4-12 month sleep course

guide to sleeping through the night

nap training guide

Related articles:

Newborns: How to help establish healthy habits for your newborn 

Babies: How to get your baby to go to sleep & stay asleep

Toddlers: How & when to transition to a toddler bed

Safe sleep: The safe sleep practices that every parent needs to know


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