How to soothe a fussy baby: three reasons walking can help

Searching for answers to pretty much anything online these days is like tiptoeing through a minefield—and it’s especially true when you’re seeking the internet’s advice as a new parent. There are the mommy blogs, medical journals, milestone barometers, infographics… and every source claims to have all the answers. So why is my baby still fussy?

While we won’t claim to know everything, we do have several real insights into how to soothe a fussy baby. And we’re here to help!

Whether your little one isn’t sleeping well, you’re having trouble adapting to your new routine, or you and your partner are struggling to cope with your own sleep problems, a young family goes through a lot of ups and downs after bringing home a newborn, with an undeniable impact on their rest! It’s only natural that you’d explore your options (like, for instance, input from qualified sleep experts) when dealing with a restless infant.

One tried-and-true method for soothing a fussy baby? Walking. It might sound counterintuitive, but there are benefits to walking with your overtired baby: namely, it gets them to sleep! This no-frills technique may be the answer you’ve been looking for. 

Here are a few reasons why the age-old practice of walking around can soothe a fussy baby.

1. The rhythmic motion of walking encourages drowsiness.

Similar to how rocking a baby helps them fall asleep quicker, the gentle swaying motion of walking—whether it’s in a stroller or in your arms—mimics the movement they knew in the womb, so it’s comforting to them. Remember, your baby is so new to the world! A familiar feeling like this could crack the code on their inability to rest.

There’s even a physiological reason why walking them to sleep works. The regular cadence of walking regulates their breathing and heart rate to promote a sense of calm that in turn ushers them to sleep. These are the exact ideal circumstances that create sleepiness in adults too.

Think about the effect of a relaxed environment on your own sleep quality and how effortless it is to truly rest when you’re cozy. The same goes for newborns—their fussiness melts away once they’re truly at ease, and their fight against sleep finally wanes.

Baby sleep habits are understandably mysterious at first, but as you learn your little one’s unique intricacies, you’ll be able to anticipate their needs without even having to think about it. Their affinity for rhythmic walking is just one example of a common remedy to a common issue that many new parents experience.

2. Quality time with you makes them feel safe enough to sleep.

Another boon for walking a fussy baby is their positive emotional response to your presence. Babies who like being held to fall asleep will love the bonus quality time during these walks. Granted, it can be tricky to extricate yourself from their sleep equation in the future if they absolutely must be held to sleep well, but if holding your little one on a walk does the job for now, so be it.

Older babies do better with an established sleep schedule, whereas newborns are anything but predictable. An occasional walk can be great when you’re trying to figure out how to soothe a fussy baby early on, especially if yours thrives on close contact. 

Also, even though you take it for granted, your gentle heartbeat actually lulls your baby to sleep since it’s another familiar sensation from the womb. There’s genuine security for them against your chest, so sleep comes easier. For babies with separation anxiety, this is also a nice way to get them to doze without the stress of leaving them alone in a crib or bassinet. 

Walking around with your baby, either in your arms or in their stroller, functions as gentle bonding time too. The majority of your time together is spent feeding or changing them, but a moment for just the two of you (or three, if your partner wants to join in) on the road to a stretch of much-needed rest is something to be treasured, tiredness aside.

3. It’s simply a distraction (for you both)—and a good one.

Walking a fussy baby may seem like an overly simple solution, but it does work wonders because of that simplicity. The distraction that walking provides eases them into a more tranquil state, which is usually all it takes for your little one to drift off. Honestly, sleep-deprived parents tend to find solace in this slowed pace too. We could always use the fresh air!

You’d be amazed at how powerful a change of scenery can be for babies. Because their energy is so finite, tiring them out isn’t as challenging as it is with, say, a toddler (you’ll have that to look forward to later on!). A fussy newborn is typically exhausted already depending on their wake windows, which is why different lighting, scents, etc. will hurry along those heavy eyelids.

If something is bothering your baby, such as pain from teething, the distraction of a walk can mean the difference between a tear-filled evening and a peaceful one. The sights and sounds of the outdoors divert their attention from whatever is troubling them in the moment, giving your infant a chance to unwind and rest.

That said, babies can become overstimulated by too much sensory or physical activity, so it’s important to manage their surroundings as much as possible. A barking dog, a nearby pedestrian, or even the microwave timer could jolt a baby from their drowsiness. Aim for relatively quiet and consistent distractions during these walks for the best outcome.

Need more guidance? My Sweet Sleeper is here!

Life with a new baby is HARD, to say the least, and a baby who’s fussy just adds to the pressure you face as a new parent. Though deceptively basic, walking with your baby is definitely worth a try. 

And if you’re done searching that endless maze of the internet for pediatric sleep support, My Sweet Sleeper is your sole destination for all baby or toddler sleep questions! No more wondering how to soothe a fussy baby. With us on your side, you can rest easy.

Our pediatric sleep consultants take dysfunctional family sleep patterns and turn them into sustainably healthy and hygienic practices going forward. Through one-on-one assistance, we’ll make sure that your whole family can get the sleep you’ve been dreaming of. Book your consultation today!


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