How to keep a night time routine for a newborn when you have a toddler.

It’s a familiar scene—you’ve finally got your toddler down for the night when the soft, sweet sounds of your newborn’s cry echo through the house. Your heart fills with love—and a touch of dread.

The daunting task of balancing the sleep schedules of two children at different stages can feel like a monumental challenge, leaving you wondering if a peaceful night’s sleep is a distant memory. We understand. The goal of a consistent night time routine for a newborn might seem an impossible feat when you also have a toddler to consider.

But take heart. You are not alone in this struggle, and there are ways to navigate this challenge. We’re here to guide you through the sleep-deprived haze. With a few adjustments, a pinch of patience, and an abundance of empathy, you can establish a tranquil bedtime routine for your entire family.

Understanding the importance of a sleep routine 

A well-established sleep routine goes beyond ensuring your little ones get their hours of sleep—it builds a sturdy foundation for their overall health, well-being, and development. Predictability and a sense of security are essential for newborns and toddlers, and a consistent sleep routine provides just that.

Let’s explore how a regular sleep routine enriches your children’s growth and development.

Boosting physical health 

Establishing a sleep routine plays an integral role in promoting your children’s physical health. During sleep, the body engages in vital repair and growth processes. The consistency of a sleep routine supports this by ensuring your children get the recommended amount of sleep they need for their age. This routine allows their bodies to engage in regular repair and growth cycles, improving overall physical health.

Regulating circadian rhythm and melatonin production 

The body’s internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, and melatonin production play significant roles in quality sleep. A consistent sleep routine helps set a stable circadian rhythm, making your children feel sleepy at bedtime and alert during the day. Regular bedtimes also prime your children’s bodies to release melatonin at the right time, supporting more restful sleep.

Promoting emotional security 

Sleep routines go beyond the physical. They provide your children with a sense of predictability and security, which is especially comforting at bedtime. A regular routine helps ease the transition from wakefulness to sleep, making it less stressful. Studies have found that a consistent nighttime routine leads to improved sleep quality and longer sleep duration, helping your children feel more secure and restful.

Balancing a night time routine for a newborn alongside your toddler’s 

Setting up a night time routine for a newborn while also managing a toddler might feel akin to performing a high-wire act, but fear not. Before we delve into practical strategies to help you navigate this challenge, it’s essential to remember that newborns and toddlers have fundamentally different sleep needs. Newborns tend to sleep in short bursts throughout the day and night, while toddlers typically settle into a more structured sleep pattern with one or two daytime naps and a longer sleep overnight.

With this understanding as our guide, let’s explore some tactics to manage these differing sleep schedules.

Coordinate bedtimes 

Try to get your toddler into bed before your newborn. This gives you some quiet time to focus solely on your newborn. Alternatively, if your partner is available, divide and conquer— one of you puts the toddler to bed while the other tends to the newborn.

Make bedtime special for your toddler 

Making bedtime an enjoyable experience for your toddler can help smooth the transition of a new sibling. Establish rituals like reading bedtime stories, cuddling, or singing a lullaby. This ensures they get your undivided attention, helping them feel secure and loved.

Simplify night feedings 

Night feedings can be challenging when managing a toddler’s sleep schedule. Consider keeping your newborn close to your bed to minimize disruption. A bedside sleeper or bassinet can make night feedings easier.

Use white noise 

A white noise machine can be beneficial in multi-child households. It can help drown out the noise of a crying baby or a wakeful toddler, allowing both children to sleep better.

Consistency is key 

Lastly, be consistent. Keeping a consistent schedule for both kids, even if it seems hard initially, will help them learn their routines faster. Even when things don’t go according to plan, try to stick to the routine as closely as possible.

Embracing flexibility and patience 

Establishing a night time routine for a newborn while managing a toddler may at first appear like trying to build a sandcastle as the tide is coming in. However, with some patience and the right strategies, it can become a manageable and even enjoyable part of your parenting journey.

Remember, as much as routines are important—flexibility is equally crucial. There will be nights when everything runs like clockwork and others when nothing seems to go right. Both are perfectly normal. Adapt your routine as needed based on your family’s needs, and most importantly, remember to be gentle with yourself. You’re doing a fantastic job!

It’s also worth noting that every child is different. What works for one may not work for another. So, listen to your instincts, observe your children, and adapt your routines accordingly.

As always, the team at My Sweet Sleeper is here to support you every step of the way. From personalized coaching to self-paced virtual classes, we offer support options tailored to your little one’s unique needs.

Book a discovery call today, and let us help you and your family sleep more sweetly.

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Sleep schedules for babies: what to know.

How to help your baby sleep in their crib or bassinet

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