How to maximize your sleep with a newborn: 3 easy ways

Balancing a normal sleep schedule is arguably the biggest adjustment people have to make when they bring home a new baby. The negative effects of “sleep debt” on parents extend far beyond a bit of morning grogginess, and women are disproportionately affected by the loss. 

Research has shown that mothers who don’t get enough sleep before and after the arrival of their babies are at a much higher risk for developing postpartum depression in addition to other health issues that tend to accompany sleep deprivation in the long term. And while it is developmentally normal for newborns to be waking frequently at night, what is clear is that new parents—especially moms—deserve more support in reaching adequate levels of rest to be at their best for themselves and their families. 

At the same time, it’s easier to hit that goal if your baby is also sleeping soundly, so it’s important to meet their needs in order to meet your own. We’ve got you, mama! Let’s talk about how to maximize sleep with a newborn for the benefit of your entire home. 

Ways to Improve Your Baby’s Sleep

If your infant isn’t sleeping well, you sure won’t either. Every parent knows how frustrating it can be when you put the baby down for the night, crawl into bed, barely fall asleep, and wake up to crying on the monitor less than an hour later. It’s a cycle that gets harder to cope with every day!

False starts like these and other similar disruptions can definitely impact sleep for both you and your baby, so helping your baby enter sleep and stay there, for at least a few hours at a time can help you snag some hard-earned ZZZs too! Here are our top three tips for how to maximize sleep with a newborn.

1. Follow age appropriate awake windows

The first step in boosting your baby’s sleep is establishing a set bedtime routine. Even from a young age, babies are very receptive to consistent steps and routine and thrive within that structure, so it’s an obvious starting point. (And it’s still possible to maintain a newborn + toddler sleep routine if you have a second or third young child in the mix.)

When it comes to when your baby should be sleeping throughout the day, the first few months of life are very unpredictable which is why following awake windows is key. If you try to follow a strict schedule with your baby you will just end up getting frustrated, so instead make sure you are aiming to put your baby down for a nap (or holding for a nap or two) every 60-90 minutes or so.

Also, every infant has different sleep requirements and you also want to follow your baby’s cues to help indicate what their optimal window is.

2. Don’t Underestimate Daytime Impact

As you establish your nightly routine, don’t forget that your overall daily schedule leading up to that pre-sleep window also factors into how well your baby will sleep. Timed naps and feedings, and the reduction of stimuli ahead of the crib wind-down all play a role. While their sleep varies, it’s generally still improved by building up to that consistent day and evening ritual.

3. Make the Sleep Space Extra Cozy

When you’re trying to figure out how to maximize sleep with a newborn, your baby’s environment is crucial. Their bedroom (or yours more realistically) should be at a comfortable temperature with low lighting and limited noise to encourage restful sleep.

Comfy accessories such as sound machines and blackout shades can be helpful, and swaddling is another tried-and-true method for cozier baby sleep. Be sure their crib and mattress are safe and conducive to good rest too.

If you’re dealing with added complications like reflux or an upset tummy, soft and warm surroundings can help alleviate environmental stressors. A few small changes to your baby’s room might be huge in promoting better sleep for both of you. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to pull off an HGTV renovation on the nursery! Control what you can and keep things simple.

Ways to Improve Your Own Sleep

Every parent of an infant could probably use a relaxing six-year-long vacation just to catch up on the time spent getting up at night with the baby. Luckily, there are a few ways you can enhance your rest at home ASAP. The question is: how? 

To maximize sleep with a newborn, you really do have to get creative, as newborns do have somewhat of an inconsistent schedule and patterns. But finding those windows and pockets of time for yourself can be a game-changer!

Follow a Consistent Sleep Schedule For Yourself

Are you sensing a pattern? Just like babies, adults need structure. We’re all dependent on a full night’s sleep to function properly, so managing your own sleep habits matters. There’s some truth in the age-old advice “sleep when the baby sleeps,” though that’s often easier said than done. But forcing yourself to slow down and rest after your baby is settled in is a vital rule of thumb if you want to recoup lost sleep. Don’t use that time to clean the house or care for anything but yourself.

Work on Your Sleep Hygiene

The lead-up to bedtime for parents is equally make-or-break when it comes to better sleep. Nowadays, we use our electronics to the detriment of our sleep hygiene: experts unanimously agree that cutting back on screen time before bed is one of the best changes you can implement here. Replace that doom scrolling with more calming activities, like reading a book, soaking in a bath, engaging in aromatherapy, or doing all three simultaneously.

Actively Practice Self-Care 

A bonus tip! The reality is that you have to take care of yourself if you’re looking to be the best parent and person you can be. Both your mental and physical health deserve caring for, even more so as a new parent. Take breaks, ask for and accept help, prioritize “me time,” be gentle with yourself, and let go of any ideas of perfection. Eat nutritious meals, stay hydrated, move your body, and indulge in forms of self-care that bring you joy.

And if you think your family could benefit from professional help such as a pediatric sleep consultant, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information! Services like ours fall under the self-care category for how life-changing they can be. You deserve to rest, and a sleep consult is frequently the solution that overworked parents have been craving. 

The Easiest Way to Improve Sleep

You’ve been dreaming about how to maximize sleep with a newborn, you’re not alone! It’s such a magical and special time while also being some of the most draining and frustrating months of your life. Parenting at any stage is a challenge, but you’re really in the thick of it now, mama—let us help ease the burden of getting a good night’s sleep.

Together, we can figure out how to maximize sleep for both you and your newborn through personalized guidance and expert support. Parents everywhere have achieved the sleep they’ve been dreaming of (or at least wishing they were dreaming of) with their families thanks to our consultations. Work with us today to leave baby sleep problems in the past and begin your journey to family sleep harmony!


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