Tips for managing sleep during summer activities.

Summer is one of the most exciting times of year whether you are planning last minute travel, time at the beach/pool, summer camps, and more!

While we enjoy these summer events and spend time with our loved ones, many parents with babies or toddlers worry about how to stick to a sleep schedule with back to school on the horizon. I am here to tell you that you can take advantage of all the things summer still has to offer while still making sure sleep does not go completely out the window.

At My Sweet Sleeper, we are big believers in the 80/20 rule. We know that life happens and you just have to go with it the best you can and we don’t want you to miss out on those important memories!

Here are some of our favorite tips to help you manage sleep disruptors during your end of summer travel and activities…

One Day Usually Completely Derail Sleep

First and foremost, know that if you normally have a good little sleeper, one day where you deviate from the usual schedule is not going to completely derail your child's sleep.

After your day and/or evening of summer fun, use the next day to get back on track with your sleep schedule. Those great sleep habits that you have worked so hard to create will still be there if your child has a solid foundation.

Nap at Your Location 

One option we will suggest to parents is to try to offer naps at your activity location.

If you are at a friend or family member's home, ask to use a quiet room. Do your best to replicate your nap time routine, bring a pack ‘n play, travel black out shades, nap time books, sleep sack and white noise. Even a shorter nap than usual is better than no nap at all!

Nap On the Go

Do not be afraid of naps on the go. Car naps, carrier naps and stroller naps can be a lifesaver when you’re out and about and not able to be at home for nap time.

As long as your nap on the go is safe, it’s a great way to make sure your child stays on track and does not miss their much needed day sleep. 

Schedule Strategically

Another option that we often suggest to parents is to schedule your planned activities around naps. While this is not always possible, it can prevent you from missing naps, and make sure that baby is well rested for the fun in the sun!

Alternatively, you could try adjusting your baby’s schedule for the day so that naps fall at a different time. For example, if your 20 month old normally wakes at 7am and naps at 12pm, you could try starting your day one hour earlier. This would shift your nap to 11am, giving you more time in the afternoon before bedtime. It might mean stretching your second awake window, but if this is a once in a while occurrence, it can be a great option. 

Move Bedtime Earlier

Similarly, do not be afraid of moving bed time earlier if you miss naps during the day.  A bedtime as early as 6pm is fair game if you have had a fun-filled day and naps were short or missing. The next day, get back on track with your usual schedule to avoid over-tiredness . You’ll slip into your usual routine with ease.

We know that deviating from your daily schedule can cause worry or stress about your child's sleep. Now, more than ever, it’s just as important to soak in the summer months with friends and enjoy the time with your family. Remember to regularly focus on sleep foundations, and reach out to us at any time for additional help or support!

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