Parenting a toddler is hard, but this one thing will make it easier

As a mom of six, with two toddlers at the moment, I am no stranger to tantrums and boundary pushing. And just like any parent, I reach my threshold in my ability to manage them well. 

I want my children to feel supported and heard, even in their toughest moments, but I also want to raise them to be respectful of boundaries, so I am constantly trying to find ways to teach them, without bringing in my own emotions and triggers.

But honestly, it is HARD. Some days I feel I am killing it at this parenting thing, and some days I feel unworthy to even be their mother (thanks mom guilt). And I know I’m not alone! This is just one of the reasons I am grateful for the resources and networks available to help encourage parents of toddlers and bring them together to raise children who are kind and compassionate.

Even as a mama with A LOT of experience raising children, both personally and professionally (I do work with children all day long and also teach OTHERS how to win at toddler parenting), I still need guidance myself. 

This is one of the reasons I was so happy to have the opportunity to take a workshop from the brand Raising Children You Like, who has a simple mission: to help parents deepen the connection to their children by understanding their underlying needs and healing their old wounds in the process.

I have learned that so many of the initial reactions and responses I have to my children’s behavior are deep-rooted in my own stuff from childhood that I need to deal with. This isn’t easy to admit, but it’s necessary to be able to parent effectively. 

Through this workshop, their podcast, AND the many resources that RCYL offers, I was reminded how important it is to teach my children emotional intelligence and that I can’t do that if I’m escalated or triggered myself.

I have also learned how to better de-code those tantrums to see through the frustrating behavior, and understand that my child is trying to communicate something to me through their tears that often I am just not getting.

These are all reminders we need as parents to do more than just survive, but rather to find those opportunities to connect and love our children well. 

I have become a loyal follower of the RCYL program and I am happy to help spread the word as a partner and believer in their approach about their NEW toddler course, launching on Monday, May 17th

This program is for parents with children 1-5 who feel like every day feels like a struggle and that their children are running the show. They know there is a better way to discipline, that doesn’t require yelling or time-outs or ineffective methods that they may have been raised with. 

Their program is broken down into two different parts: Taking charge of the toddler years (part 1) and Transforming the toddler years (part two). Each week you will be able to watch new lessons and use your workbook provided as a tool to reflect on the teachings. 

You also get access to a private Facebook group where you can connect with other parents going through similar struggles and challenges. 

 If you are looking for more one-on-one support, they also offer private coaching calls with each member of Raising Children You Like, for an additional fee. 

The total cost for the program is $197, but there is also the option of purchasing different lessons a la carte ranging from $37-$127.

If you are ready to take charge of your parenting and start feeling empowered and encouraged rather than defeated and exhausted, I would highly suggest investing in the Raising Children You Like Program, you will not be disappointed!

Click here to purchase the program

Are you struggling with your toddler’s sleep? Did you know we have a toddler class that covers everything from managing separation anxiety, the crib-to-bed transition, dropping naps, early risings, and more! Find out more information here.


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