My go-to self-care product this winter

As a mom of six kiddos, finding time for self-care often seems impossible. But as hard as it is to find the time to fit in time for “me,” it is crucial that I set aside this time to be a better mom, wife, and person.

While motherhood is the most rewarding job I’ve ever had, it can also be exhausting and nobody (I don’t care who you are) can pour from an empty cup. We ALL need something to fill our wells and re-energize consistently (not just once per month).

But how exactly do you do this? Self-care can take many different forms and looks different for everyone. For you, it might mean taking a daily walk, writing in your journal each night, or taking a bubble bath once a week.

For me, it is making sure I get time to go on runs, pray and spend time with God, and take care of myself physically through exercise. And part of that physical care is making sure I take care of my Alligator-dry skin (no joke, it is that dry).

Admittedly, I don’t invest enough time or resources in taking care of my skin the way I should, but I recently had the opportunity to test out the True Botanicals Radiance Sugar Scrub and it has been a Godsend for my flakey dry skin.

Exfoliation is super important when you have skin as dry as I do, but even if you don’t, it helps to keep your skin glowing and smooth when using during a shower or bath. Plus, it feels like a mini-massage for your skin!

But the thing I love the most about the sugar scrub is the clean ingredients. You can literally eat it (although I don’t recommend this ;). It is made from organic sugar, sandalwood powder, and white kaolin clay, and it smells delicious!

In the past I have tried exfoliants that felt really harsh on my skin, but this sugar scrub is gentle and mild, and truly does get rid of dry skin and helps create a healthy glow.

If you are looking to indulge in a little self-care this season, True Botanicals sugar scrub is the way to go! Remember, self-care is necessary; it is not a luxury, and it’s amazing how something as simple as taking care of your skin can help you feel so much better, and ultimately be a better mama to your kiddos!


Disclosure: I received this product to provide an unbiased review, and receive I commission on purchases made using the links included in this article.


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