The one humidifier & air purifier you’ll need for your family this winter

t’s winter time, which means drier air, colder climates, and shifts in weather patterns that can cause sickness, dry skin, and, in some cases, allergy sensitivities. 

Thus the benefits of having an air purifier and humidifier are huge

Dry air, which is caused by both your air conditioner and heater, leads to chapped lips, dry skin, eye irritations, static electricity, damage to wooden floors and musical instruments, and sinus congestion, which can then lead to the common cold. When our air is not humid enough, our nose cannot properly filter out bacteria, our lungs don’t take in as much oxygen, and our skin gets dry.

In the same way, air that has not been cleaned can have dust mites, pollen, and animal dander/odors, which can cause allergies, concentration difficulties, headaches, and sleep issues

Purifying and humidifying your air can solve all of these issues. You get sick less, spend less money on allergy medicine, and have healthier skin, plants, pets, and more.

When I found out about the Venta Airwashers, which are 2-in-1 humidifiers and air purifiers, I was immediately interested, even though the high price tag initially intimidated me.

Venta is basically a high-end humidifier company, almost like the Mercedes of humidifiers, but it definitely has its benefits. 

The Airwashers take dry, dirty air and literally wash it with water, cleaning and humidifying it. Dust, dirt, and particles that cause odors get trapped in the water and disappear. 

Compared to other purifiers and humidifiers, I found the Venta to have several additional benefits that others do not. Here are a few of them…

  • Many humidifiers are thrown away after one season, but Venta has a 10 year warranty and many customers use theirs beyond that, which saves money in the long run.

  • Some humidifiers have to be cleaned every day to prevent bacteria and mold, but Venta only needs to be rinsed every 10-14 days.

  • There is no filter that you have to throw away and replace. The water itself is the filter, which is constantly cleaning.

  • You can add aromatherapy liquid ($23 a bottle) for nice scents and many of the same benefits of essential oils.

  • It’s super low-energy. They claim that running it run-stop only adds about 50 cents to your monthly energy bill.

But what about having the Venta in your nursery? Glad you asked...

  • Ventas are safe because they do not produce white dust or even warm/hot steam, and they will never over-humidify the air. 

  • Pediatricians recommend humidifiers to relieve congestion and sinus issues, as babies can be extra sensitive to dry air. 

  • The main cause for the common cold is dry air, often due to air conditioning or heating. Mucous membranes are dried out and cannot absorb bacteria and viruses as well to stop the pathogens. With the common cold comes coughing, sneezing, and blocked sinuses, which prevents both adults and babies from getting quality sleep

  • Ventas run super quietly. 

What about set-up and maintenance?

When I received my Airwasher (which Venta generously provided in order for us to do an honest review), my first impression was that despite the big box, the product inside was actually nice and small. And although I was initially intimidated by the instruction manual, it turned out to be fairly easy! It took me less than 30 minutes for the entire process of opening the box, reading all the instructions, and setting it up. Once that was done, running it is a no-brainer, as there’s only two buttons and you run it 24/7.

With the Venta, you’re supposed to refill the water every day, and honestly, I never remember to do this. Thankfully, it still works for 4 or 5 days, and then the Airwasher turns off and the light on the top turns red - which is a clear reminder for someone forgetful like me that I need to refill it. 

There are some additional maintenance requirements such as emptying out the water every 10-14 days, wiping things down, and putting in more water treatment liquid (which prevents mineral deposits), but most of this is to be expected and the upkeep is financially reasonable (a bottle costs $26 and lasts 5 months, and every 6 months you have to put in cleaning liquid which is $16). Total, that adds up to $94.40 in maintenance costs per year.

14 days after I started to use the Venta, I was actually excited to do my first cleaning so I could  see whatever dirt and grime had been in my air - and I wasn’t disappointed. The water had become a light grey and the bottom of the Airwasher seemed to almost have a layer of sand on it, which showed me that enough had been in my nursery’s air to contaminate it...and the Venta was doing what it said it would do! 

I can definitely feel the difference in the air in her room. It feels cooler and clean, which is nice.

The benefits of using an air purifier and humidifier are science, and I can’t argue with that. If I want my baby to stay healthy and get quality sleep, using an Airwasher is a great way to make sure I am doing all I can for her!

Visit for more information and to buy a Venta. Get 10% off the purchase of any new unit (5 SERIES OR 6 SERIES) when you use promo code SWEETSLEEPER

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