Five natural products to help pregnant mamas get better sleep

During pregnancy there is an endless list of things you can’t consume in order to protect you and your growing baby. And, unfortunately sleep aids are one of those things that are pretty much off limits with a few exceptions.

But, if you’re having trouble sleeping, there are natural products that can greatly help your sleep that ARE safe for you and baby!

  1. Essential oils. While you do want to stay away from certain oils like hyssop and sage, oils that help promote relaxation, like lavender and peppermint are usually very safe!  

Lavender is a nice option because you can use it while you are pregnant to help you relax, and carry it along in your hospital bag to use during labor. Here is a fun fact about the “why” behind how essential oils work to relax you-—since our sense of smell is connected to our memories, if you have found the use of lavender to be relaxing in the past, smelling this scent during labor will likely trigger those memories of relaxation! So, a good preparatory practice might be to regularly incorporate the use of essential oils during pregnancy. Then if you decide to incorporate the oil scents in your labor experience, they will be more likely to effectively calm you, later on.  An easy way to use them might be to turn on your diffuser at bedtime as part of your bedtime routine every night.  

Also, peppermint is another oil we like for use during pregnancy because it can be helpful in managing common pregnancy symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and muscle aches. Just be sure to use them correctly, ideally in a diffuser and be mindful of the quantities you use, since pregnancy tends to heighten sensitivity to smell. You definitely don’t want to overdo it and accidentally induce a bout of nausea!

Plant Therapy KidSafe Tension Tamer Essential Oil Blend Pre-Diluted Roll-On

Plant Therapy KidSafe Tension Tamer Essential Oil Blend Pre-Diluted Roll-On

2. Bath salts/ Bath bombs. One of the few luxuries of pregnancy is that you have an excuse to indulge a little, and baths are a great way to do this! Bath salts, like epsom salt, are an expectant mama’s best friend and have been used for centuries as a natural remedy for pregnancy related aches and pains. We love the bath salts and bombs from GLO Organics and Earth Mama, which come in so many different scents. 

The great thing about the GLO Organics bath bombs is that they are specially formulated for pregnant women! And, they not only help you relax, but they also act as an oil treatment for your hair, and can even alleviate skin irritation due to stretching. Goodbye itchy skin!

Though, to keep your baby safe, be mindful of the temperature of your bath water and try to keep the water warm, rather than scalding to avoid raising your body temperature too much.

Earth Mama Organic Herbal Sitz Bath

Earth Mama Organic Herbal Sitz Bath

3. Tea. There are so many decaffeinated teas that help promote relaxation such as herbal teas, peppermint, and ginger (especially if you are feeling yucky). Some of our favorites are from Teavana and Pink Stork. Pink Stork has a wide variety of tea selections specifically aimed at managing pregnancy related symptoms, such as their Morning Sickness Tea, Bloat Tea, Sleep Tea, Labor Prep Tea, Postpartum Recovery Tea, and Postpartum Uplift Tea, to name a few. Before consuming any tea, just make sure they contain safe ingredients.

Pink Stork Morning Sickness Ginger Peach Tea

Pink Stork Morning Sickness Ginger Peach Tea

4. Body oil and lotion. Believe it or not, many oils and lotions provide calming effects that help relax you for sleep. We love the body oil from Hatch and the serums from True Botanicals. The Hatch body oil, specifically their belly oil, is great because it is moisturizing, but also quick drying, so no need to worry about that greasy sticky feeling if you want to quickly apply it any time of the day. You can also use it by adding a few drops to the bath to multitask getting in a soak AND moisturizing your skin at the same time!  Whether you prefer oil or lotions, a couple sleep-promoting ways to use them are as part of your bedtime routine, or as a DIY self-massage. 

If you do choose to unwind by giving yourself a foot rub, just be mindful of those pressure points to avoid during pregnancy— the inner ankles, and the space between the thumb and pointer finger as too much pressure in these places can induce labor. 

True Botanicals Pure Radiance Oil

True Botanicals Pure Radiance Oil

5. Sound machines. Even if you’ve never used a sound machine before, it can help block out any distractions that may prevent you from falling asleep and help your mind to relax.  Some studies show this happens because the sound reduces brain wave activity, which can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and improve your quality of sleep. One option we love is the Hatch Restore. It tends to be on the higher end as far as sound machines go, but that is because it is a premium multifunctional device that operates as a sunrise alarm clock, smart light, and mediation app, that allows you to personalize a bedtime routine. It also has a selection of different bedtime stories, meditations, and soundscapes that come with a free trial of the Hatch Premium subscription. 

A simpler option that still gets the job done is the Yogasleep Dohm Classic sound machine. It is a very popular model that has been around for years, featuring two volume levels and a “fan based” sound. 

Whichever sound machine you ultimately choose, it can be helpful to test out which types of sounds you prefer or find most relaxing, as different sound machines emit different variations of sound. On the other hand, if you are someone that prefers sleeping in complete silence, there’s no need to force it!

Hatch Restore Sound Machine

Hatch Restore Sound Machine

What if you are still wide-eyed at three am after trying these natural sleep remedies? 

If you find your sleep struggles are truly unmanageable it is best to seek out medical/ professional advice. But also, it may help to keep in mind that many mamas-to-be experience some level of sleep difficulty throughout their pregnancy, and you can take comfort in knowing that this shared experience will pass! 

*Disclosure: Many of these links are affiliate links, where we earn a small amount from your purchase. However, all of our product recommendations are always authentic and honest, and the commission does not affect our recommendation


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