Five products we love to help promote your breastfeeding journey

Happy Breastfeeding Awareness Month! The process of feeding our new babies is a natural part of motherhood. Instinct kicks in almost immediately for most of us. But did you know in addition to providing food for your child, breastfeeding is actually really cool? Before we tell you about some of our favorite products that will help support you during feeding time, let’s talk about how amazing a momma’s body is while it breastfeeds.

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Breastfeeding burns between 500-600 calories per day. Talk about a workout! No wonder new mommas feel so sleepy while feeding.

What you eat impacts the way your milk tastes and smells. You can expose your child to new flavors and foods right from the breast! But here’s something really interesting: your breast milk can change colors based on what you eat. Have you ever seen pink breast milk?

Your milk is medicine. The antibodies and live cells in your milk help you and your baby fight viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections, and helps to reduce your baby’s risk of other diseases later in life. Breastfeeding a baby girl reduces her risk of breast cancer by 25%!

And here’s one that’s really neat. A mother’s breast can detect a change in the baby’s temperature as delicate as 1 degree, and adapt to warm or cool the milk as needed. Isn’t that amazing?

One of my personal favorites, breastfeeding makes you happy! Your brain produces higher levels of oxytocin, meaning you actually feel happier. It’s not a myth!

But while we’ve been celebrating Breastfeeding Awareness Month, it’s important to remember that regardless of if you breastfeed, choose not to, or weren’t able to, you are an amazing mom and we love your journey into and through motherhood.

We’re lucky to get to meet so many amazing creators of great products and moms who love to share what they can’t live without. After testing your recommendations, these five breastfeeding support products were our team’s favorite picks.

  1. Belabumbum Nursing bras - These eco friendly bras are made from bamboo fibers making them extra soft! They also have bras that double as hands-free pumping support at an affordable price.

  2. Organic Nipple Balm from TubbyTod Bath Co - This gentle, lanolin-free balm helps to prevent common issues while nursing like chapping. The ingredients are great as well: coconut oil, aloe, calendula, and other soothing products safe for you and baby! 

  3. Nursing Queen Clothes & Workout Gear -  Created by a mom for moms, Nursing Queen lives up to their excellence in producing functional, stylish, and comfortable nursing clothing.The hidden nursing zippers are located on both sides, underneath the arms, and they zip across the front. 

  4. Lansinoh breastmilk storage bags- If you’re pumping, then you will need somewhere to store your breast milk, and Lansinoh is our top brand pick for these and other similar items. The bags are affordable and provide a simple solution for storing expressed milk.

  5. Spectra breast pump- Before purchasing this item, you might want to check with your insurance company or hospital/OB office, since many of them are provided at no cost! We have found the Spectra pump to be super easy to use and very lightweight.

Do you have a breastfeeding product that you absolutely cannot live without? Let us know what’s changed your routine or blew you away!

Do you need help with better sleep?

For information about newborn sleep, check out our newborn sleep course.

For more ideas on how to sleep better as an adult, check out our article on healthy sleep hygiene.

For pregnancy-specific sleep tips, click here.

Related articles:

Six ways to get better sleep while pregnant 

Ten ways to get more sleep as an adult

Eleven practical gifts new mamas and mamas-to-be truly want

*Some of the items listed here are our affiliate partners and we may receive commission from the purchase of these products. We are committed to only recommending products that we truly believe in, have tested, and partner with regularly.


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