The benefits of contact napping and how to be safe

Few experiences in motherhood can compare to the tender joy of holding your slumbering baby close, their soft breaths harmonizing with the rhythm of your own. These are the moments that allow you to pause and savor the fleeting magic of their infancy.

Contact napping, a shared rest between mother and baby, is not just a cherished practice — it’s a gift that benefits both you and your little one.

So, let’s explore why this intuitive practice is beneficial and how to enjoy the experience safely.

What is contact napping? 

In its beautiful simplicity, contact napping involves your little one sleeping in your arms, on your chest, or in any position that allows for skin-to-skin contact. This intuitive and natural method fosters a deeper, more restful sleep and nurtures an emotional connection that can have lifelong benefits for your child.

Benefits of contact napping 

While the topic of contact napping can spark varying opinions, the practical and emotional benefits it offers can’t be overlooked.

As parents, when we choose to slow down, to hold our babies close, to let them sleep in our arms, we’re doing more than just facilitating a nap. We’re forging an emotional connection, fostering security, and setting the stage to help our children thrive.

Lowers cortisol levels 

Lower cortisol levels, as promoted by contact napping, can be immensely beneficial for both mother and baby. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and elevated levels can disrupt sleep patterns and overall well-being.

For your baby, reduced cortisol can lead to more restful, uninterrupted sleep, supporting healthy growth and development. For mothers, lower cortisol levels can foster better sleep quality, reduce postpartum stress, and enhance the overall motherhood experience.

Stimulates bonding hormones 

The intimate practice of contact napping stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with calmness and bonding, in both you and your little one. This hormone not only strengthens the emotional bond between you but also creates a soothing and comforting experience.

Promotes healthy body rhythms 

The rhythm of your heartbeat and the rise and fall of your chest while breathing mimics the environment your baby experienced in the womb. This familiarity can help maintain your baby’s normal body rhythms, which benefits their overall well-being and development. It’s a comforting reminder of the intimate connection you shared during those nine months.

Encourages successful nursing habits 

Skin-to-skin contact, facilitated by practices like contact napping, can significantly improve breastfeeding outcomes. When your baby is held close to your chest, they can more easily latch and establish a successful breastfeeding rhythm.

This close physical contact triggers the release of hormones like oxytocin, strengthening the bond between you and your baby and stimulating milk production and letdown. Furthermore, the comfort and security your baby feels from the skin-to-skin contact can lead to calmer, more focused feeding sessions, enhancing the overall breastfeeding experience.

Fosters emotional security 

With contact napping, your baby can feel your heartbeat, experience your warmth, and sync with your breathing rhythm. This closeness provides a sense of safety, reducing anxiety and encouraging deeper, more restful sleep. Importantly, it also nurtures an emotional attachment that can benefit your baby’s feelings of security and well-being for years to come.

Improves sleep quality 

When your baby feels secure, their sleep quality can improve significantly, leading to increased alertness post-nap. Contact napping reduces the occurrences of sleep disturbances and provides your baby with the comfort they need for a peaceful slumber.

Reduces maternal depression 

Contact napping may serve as a tool against maternal depression. The close bond, the release of feel-good hormones, and the shared relaxation can all contribute to reducing the incidence and severity of depression.

Safety considerations for contact napping 

While the benefits of contact napping are abundant, it’s paramount to prioritize safety.

Here are some essential guidelines:

Enjoying nap time with your little one 

In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with societal expectations of motherhood and the pressure to be productive at every moment, the practice of contact napping serves as a gentle reminder that sometimes, the most profound work we do involves simply being there for our little ones.

From promoting emotional security and regular body rhythms to encouraging successful nursing habits and reducing maternal stress, the benefits of this practice are significant.

With that said, navigating sleep with your little one isn’t always smooth sailing, and it’s important to reach out for help if you need it. The team at My Sweet Sleeper can provide one-on-one personalized coaching tailored to your child’s unique temperament, or check out our virtual classes and ebook sleep guides for more information.

Contact us today, and let us support you and your little one to sleep more sweetly.

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