Five ways to enjoy special occasions without skipping sleep

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Holidays and special occasions, whether for birthdays, Easter, the Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, or others, are a time to spend with family and loved ones, celebrating and making memories and following traditions. It can also be a busy time as we travel or host meals and gatherings, inevitably disrupting our normal schedule and routines.

That’s why during special occasions we recommend practicing the 80/20 rule and not stressing too much about your child taking a later nap or staying up slightly past bedtime. But we also know that children can get over-tired easily, and if you want to enjoy time together, you might want to follow a few of these tips to avoid a meltdown or a cranky baby.

1) Plan naps around activities as best as possible

As a mama with four kids who are all on different schedules, naps can sometimes take a back-seat, especially on the weekends. But over the years I have learned creative ways of making sure our kids still get their nap, even if that means it happens later than normal. I have also come to terms with the fact that sometimes we will be late or miss an event because naps are more important for the health of our family.

Either way, if your child is still regularly taking naps, it is important to plan it in wherever possible, instead of missing it all together. This also might mean a car or stroller nap, following safe guidelines of course! If you do have to plan a stroller nap, try bringing a portable sound machine and use a sSnoozeShade (not a blanket) to block out the sun.

2)  If you are hosting, suggest an earlier start time

Hosting meals is a great way to celebrate a special occasion, and one of the perks of being the host is being able to set the meal time. I recommend an early afternoon meal time, especially if those attending also have children, so everyone can still be in bed on time. Getting to bed 30-40 minutes later might not be a huge deal, but past that you risk having overstimulated and overtired kiddos.

If you are hosting an event during the day try also to coordinate before or after your child’s nap.

3)  Avoid giving your kids too much sugar

There never seems to be a shortage of sugar during holidays and special occasions. Growing up, I always looked forward to this part of celebrations, and don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy them now! But I have also learned that my kids simply cannot handle too much sugar, so we have to limit the consumption in our household, even on special occasions.

This might mean one cookie instead of two, or just cake instead of both cake and ice cream. We are also very mindful of the time of day that our kids are getting treats and making sure it isn’t too close to bedtime.

4) Replicate your child’s sleep environment if you are traveling

Whether you are traveling by plane or driving to a family member’s house nearby, it is always recommended to try to replicate your child’s environment by bringing a portable pack ‘n play, white noise machine, pacifier, lovey, and anything else your child typically has in their sleep environment at home. While your baby likely won’t sleep as well in a new environment, it can help minimize the sleep disruptions they may experience when traveling. A SlumberPod is a great way to make your little feel like they are in their own, dark room back at home - even if you have to share a room while traveling! (use discount code MYSWEETSLEEPER$20 for $20 off)

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5) Enjoy yourself!

Even if your child is a little off during travel or special occasions, try not to stress! This is why we follow the 80/20 rule so we can take some time off and not stress about following a perfect schedule. Just make sure to get back on track once you’re home and back in your normal routine and environment.

Holidays and special occasions are meant to be enjoyed, and doing that without getting enough sleep is hard to do! By following these simple steps, you can still enjoy your time with loved ones AND get the sleep you all need.

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